I love having string players on the show.
Today I hit the jackpot.
Janet Horvath, who held the associate principle cellist position in the Minnesota Orchestra for over 30 years joins me to share her journey through injury.
She shares how that led her to start a crusade to help educate musicians about performing arts medicine.
How it led her to the research that would become her book "Playing (Less) Hurt."
How it led her to create powerful change within her own orchestra.
How it led her to start the Playing Less Hurt Conference in Minnesota, which had over 500 attendees at its first event.
We also opened a conversation about her experience with hearing injury (note, not hearing loss, hearing injury).
This final interview of season 2 of Trust the Process is PACKED with info that you as a musician CANNOT afford to internalize!
Keep on keepin' on and trust the process!