This one is for the music educators out there.
Especially collegiate music educators.
First off, thank you.
Thank you for the care you put into your programs, the love you instill in your students for the music you make together.
The relationship between professor and pupil has the beautiful potential of being a long lasting one.
But, as renowned oboist and body map instructor Dr Stephen Caplan and I both agree...
There is room for improvement.
Room for improvement in how we teach the students about the role their mind and body play in producing beautiful music, and how CRITICAL that relationship is to their success.
Dr Caplan's journey with musician's health and body mapping began when he saw the writing on the wall of his own unhealthy playing habits which prevented personal injury.
Well, it's our hope that you see the writing on the wall as well, and help us prevent more injury, so MORE musicians can make beautiful music throughout a fruitful, full career.
Keep on keepin' on and trust the process!